How you know you're a Festival City expert

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Maybe it's your first time at Edinburgh's Festivals, maybe you've lived here all your life, or maybe you came for a show once and now you’re hooked! However and whenever you got started, find out below if you truly know your stuff when it comes to the world's leading Festival City. We've put together a six-part checklist to test your Edinburgh Festivals experience - see how many apply to you and check your score at the bottom of the page! 

Festivals expert August fests

1) You don’t call what happens in August ‘The Edinburgh Festival’

As an expert you know that there are actually lots of festivals (FringeInternationalArtBook and Tattoo) which take place during the city's busiest month each year, each with their own great programmes and all well worth checking out. 

Plus, August isn't everything either - we have six more major festivals throughout the year. Give yourself an extra point if you can name all of them without having to look here first!

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2) You rarely take a flyer as you wander down the street 

As a true festivals expert you already know what you're going to see, and you've had it planned and booked for weeks if not months. "Begone, oh paper pushers," you'll say, "I need you not". Actually you'll hopefully be considerably more polite than that, but you get the idea.

And should a handbill still somehow fall into your possession you'll make sure it’s soon recycled - which, as festivals who are proud of our work on sustainability, we'll definitely like.

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3) You know that the seasons are not to be trusted here

August may not always act like summer in Edinburgh, April can sometimes seem rather un-springlike and December might not be especially wintery. Or they all might after all. Or both, in the same day. 

Edinburgh's weather is famously changeable, so you'll make sure there's a light rainproof coat packed in beside the sunglasses, and a cool t-shirt under that big woolly jumper in case it gets unseasonably warm. Those clothing tips apply to just about any month of the year by the way...

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4) You don't just spend all your time in the city centre

You know that there's much more to Edinburgh than the Royal Mile and Princes Street, and you'll gladly journey to Leith, Morningside, Newington, Stockbridge and beyond to enjoy the Scottish capital's festival opportunities.

Festivals expert buses

5) You leave the car and bring comfy shoes and bus money instead

Edinburgh is a wonderfully compact city and there are so many great attractions to enjoy between festival moments, that it's ideal for exploring on foot. Bear in mind that it's also fairly hilly though, so decent shoes are a good plan.

And for when you really need to get somewhere in a hurry, the city's excellent public transport will carry you to your next show.

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6) You fall in love with the Festival City

With your expert knowledge and experience, you know that Edinburgh is quite simply the best festival city in the world - and that's why you just keep on coming back!

How did you do?

0-2 points - you're on your way, but you might need a hand - here are our tips for newbies to help you move to the next level.

3-4 points - not bad, but you need a bit more experience - let us help you plan your next steps to becoming a true Edinburgh festivals veteran!

5-6 points - superb, well done! You're a true Festival City expert. Time to boast of your expertise to your friends and challenge them to match you, using X or Facebook... or both!

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